In the development of Cubism, there were three phases: Facet or Pre-Cubism, Analytic Cubism, and Synthetic Cubism, although some divide the movement only in Analytic and Synthetic Cubism. They also used multiple or contrasting vantage points. So they reduced and fractured objects into geometric forms, and then realigned these within a shallow, relief like space.

They wanted instead to emphasize the two-dimensionality of the canvas. The Cubist painters rejected the inherited concept that art should copy nature, or that they should adopt the traditional techniques of perspective, modeling, and foreshortening. Along with Cezanne’s influence a new search appeared due to the suggestions from African sculpture. This work is very important because it’s considered to be the painting which foretold the future development of Cubism. In the same year, before meeting Braque, Picasso completed the painting Les Demoiselles d’Aviginion in his Montmartre apartment house which was called the “Bateau Lavoir”. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) – Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) These two great painters developed their ideas on Cubism around the year 1907 in Paris and it’s widely known that their starting point was a common interest in the later paintings of Paul Cezanne. This was also the year in which Picasso was introduced by the poet Apollinaire to Braque. Some say that the year 1907 is its starting point.

There seem to be different opinions regarding the moment when cubism began.

This new perspective was called Cubism, also known as the first abstract style of modern art.ĭynamism of a Soccer Player (1913) – Umberto Boccioni (1882 – 1916) Learn More> When and where appeared the Cubism movement?īecause of the emergence of new technologies like photography, the motor car, cinematography, and the airplane, artists felt the need for a more radical approach, a new perspective that would expand the possibilities of art like the new technologies were extending the limits of communication and travel. ADVERTISMENT: The Best Deals For Digital Design Assets.